Protecting Your Privacy
We are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that we hold.
Any personal information provided to PVSC is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with the Nova Scotia Assessment Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes set out in the Nova Scotia Assessment Act, the Property Valuation Services Corporation Act and the Municipal Government Act.
IP Addresses: When you visit our website, your IP address is automatically recorded to help diagnose website issues and track website usage. IP addresses are not linked to personal information, so your session will be tracked anonymously – it will not be connected to your identify or personal information.
Cookies: Our website creates sessional cookies for statistical analysis. Sessional cookies do not store personal information and are valid only during the time you are using the website. Our website does not create persistent cookies, so personal information such as your name, email address, home or work address or telephone number are not stored on our website.
Personal Information: PVSC Forms for appeals, transfers, mailing address changes, income and expense surveys and other account-specific applications require you to provide your personal information. This information will only be used for the purposes identified and is collected for internal use only. Information submitted to PVSC is confidential and is not shared, except as required by law.
PVSC does not release personal information or any other data that would disclose your identity, except where required or permitted by law, or by court order. While we may release aggregate information constructed from the analysis of personal information, the aggregate information does not identify individuals. PVSC does not release individual income or expense information except where legally required or permitted to do so, or by court order.
Links: Our website may contain links to other websites, but PVSC cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these external sites. Please remember to close your browser when ending your internet session.
For more information about our privacy policies and security, please contact PVSC at 1-800-380-7775 or inquiry@pvsc.ca.
Note: The applicable law prevails if there is any conflict between this information and the current law. The information on this website is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.