Data Disclosure
Access to PVSC Data
PVSC provides access to select property-related assessment information with the goals of increasing transparency and accountability, improving the quality of data, improving service to the public, and empowering citizens and supporting greater public engagement.
PVSC makes data available to the public on the PVSC website and on the datazONE open data portal where PVSC determines that the data:
- Is of interest or useful to the public,
- Is reviewed for privacy, security, copyright or other risks,
- Meets the criteria and can be released under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act), and
- Is prepared and made available in accordance with PVSC procedures.
Requests for all other data, including bulk sales data and historical assessment values, should be directed to the Geographic Information Services (GIS) Division of the Office of Service Nova Scotia.
PVSC makes data available to property owners for the purpose of helping them to better understand their property assessment. This data is accessible through the PVSC website, once a property owner enters the unique Assessment Account Number (AAN) and Personal Identification Number (PIN) printed on their current Property Assessment Notice. Upon request, PVSC may also provide owners with data related to their property from the 2008 assessment year (the date of PVSC’s incorporation) onwards.
This policy does not apply to data that is exempt under the FOIPOP Act including, but not limited to:
- Personal information or information that could lead to the identification of an individual,
- Confidential information or information that may harm a third party’s business interests,
- Information that if disclosed to the public may threaten the safety or mental or physical health of a person or the safety of the public.
This policy does not replace or limit an individual’s right of access to information or PVSC’s obligations under the FOIPOP Act.
Please contact PVSC at 1-800-380-7775 or inquiry@pvsc.ca if you have questions regarding the release of information.